14 Jan 25 | Expert Advice
Global Standard for Storage and Distribution
The BRCGS global standard for storage and distribution sets out the requirements to ensure quality and safety of products during their storage and distribution. The standard sets out best practice and whilst not a replacement for local legislation it does add an additional dimension of due diligence in your supply chain. Compliance with the standard should give customers extra confidence in the supply chain integrity.
Secureseal units fit into the vehicle operating standards section. The requirements of a well maintained fleet suitable for the task and in a hygienic condition are clear, but the integrity of the load is also a critical element to ensuring security of the load during transportation. To comply, a threat risk assessment should be completed by the carrier. The standard states that load areas should be locked or sealed and that the seals should be checked for integrity before the trailer is opened.
This is where the Secureseal range on anti-tamper seals allow for absolute compliance with a range of protection levels. The basic unit generates a unique 5 digit code each time it is opened, unlike traditional plastic anti-tamper security seals, it cannot be defeated by a small piece of metal or a pin. Each opening is a mechanical action that generates a new number, the evidence of tamper is undeniable.
For more evidence, the unit can be combined with a logger unit, that electronically captures the time and date the seal was opened and reports that back for an audit trail that adds another level of evidence to the operators risk assessment.
For ultimate protection, the Secureloc unit adds a physical locking protection to the Secureseal unit, adding the option logger unit and the security of the load and risk is controlled to the highest levels.
Secureseal will, during the course of its life, replace literally hundreds of thousands of plastic security seals, saving not only costs but also the environment.
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